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PART 6 – More On The Nephilim

Is it conceivable that the Nephilim somehow survived the global flood? If so, is it also possible the knowledge given to them also did? The answer to these questions are greatly debated and there is controversy to their existence. Even the etymology of the Hebrew word ‘Nephilim’ is uncertain. Some scholars have interpreted it to be rendered, ‘great’, ‘large in body’, but many scholars claim this is incorrect; for it means, ‘excellent’, ‘noble’, ‘skilful’. This definition seems correlate with the rest of Genesis 6:4 for it says they, “were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown”. The phrase ‘mighty men’ is interpreted to mean, ‘strong’ and ‘brave’. The phrase “men of renown” is interpreted to mean, ‘famous’, ‘of note’, ’notable’, or even ‘infamous’nomasto/s). In Genesis 6, where the global flood is described, it tells us that the Nephilim were also on the Earth afterward. In Deuteronomy 2:11, the giants Anaqim are called Rephaim, and two of the most famous of the Raphaim are King Og of Bashan, whose huge iron bed could still be seen on display in Rabbah of Ammon (Deuteronomy 3:11) and the warrior Goliath, who descended from the Raphah in Gath (2 Samuel 21:19). The Rephaim and Anaqim were defeated by Joshua, Moses, and Caleb, and then the rest by David. Joshua 11:22 says that, “No Anaqim remained in the land of Israel, but some remained in Gaza, Gath, and Ashdod.”

”The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.”

The phrase “in those days” is easily interpreted to meaning the period of time before the Flood. In the Greek, the word for days is, ‘hēmérān’, which can mean, ‘used of time in general’, i.e. the days of his life. In Hebrew, the word, ‘yôm’ is used and can mean a ‘temporal time, a general period of time’. Notably, the Great Flood was considered as an unforgettable temporal divide in the memory of ancient peoples, so that the days were spoken in terms of before and after the Flood. We can see this evidenced by the stela left commemorating the Assyrian king Asshurbanipal declaring he was able to interpret ancient texts of “stones inscribed before the Flood”.

“I, Ashurbanipal, within the palace, understood the wisdom of Nabu [the god of learning]. All the art of writing of every kind. I made myself the master of them all. I read the cunning tablets of Sumer and the dark Akkadian language which is difficult to rightly use; I took my pleasure in reading stones inscribed before the flood.”

In the Companion Bible, Appendix 25,, it is noted that in Genesis 6:4 the word ‘afterwards’ is interpreted as being after the Flood, and it is postulated there was a “second irruption of these fallen angels”, apparently discovered in the land of Canaan, and were in fact known as "the nations of Canaan". However, there is no corroborating evidence citing this. Notwithstanding, the theory does provide an explanation for giants/Nephilim mentioned in the bible after the Flood. In going along with this theory, as it was for the purpose of the Flood, the sword of Israel was necessary for their destruction. In fact, they were to be cut off and to be utterly destroyed, every last one of them. But, we know Israel failed and their destruction was not complete. We don’t know how many got away to other lands to escape their general annihilation. In Deuteronomy 2:11, the giants Anaqim are called Rephaim, and two of the most famous of the Raphaim are King Og of Bashan, whose huge iron bed could still be seen on display in Rabbah of Ammon (Deuteronomy 3:11) and the warrior Goliath, who descended from the Raphah in Gath (2 Samuel 21:19). The Rephaim and Anaqim were defeated by Joshua, Moses, and Caleb, and then the rest by David. Joshua 11:22 says that “No Anaqim remained in the land of Israel, but some remained in Gaza, Gath, and Ashdod.”

With many perplexities connected with Anthropology today, recognizing this possibility could solve these mysteries. One of these enigmas are the more than 3000 Paracas skulls found in Peru that lack the sagittal suture and thus containing only one parietal plate rather than the two found in humans. DNA testing on these skulls have shown mitochondrial DNA “with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far”. Despite the lack of skeletal remains, the skulls sizes provide an estimated height of these people as being seven to eight and a half feet tall. Completion of a second round of DNA testing determined these skulls dating back as far as 2,000 years to have European and Middle Eastern origin. Is this evidence suggesting Nephilim connections? It’s not surprising that LA Marzulli, author and researcher of the Paracan skulls, who funded the DNA testing, calls his book on the subject “Nephilim Hybrids”. The Paracas skulls are only one of many examples of giants. The Adena giants of Midwestern United States and the Lovelock cave mummies are but few examples of over the many thousands found in America. Hugh Newman and Jim Veira document these many cases in their book. “Giants on Record”. In tact skeletons at Lovelock are reported to have measured eight and half feet tall and was later described as having been wrapped in a gum-covered fabric similar to to Egyptian mummies. Is this another connection to the Middle East? Stewart Ferris reports that the question being asked, could Egyptian mummification have been a simplified, non-functioning version of a lost art of body preservation that had a real chance of reanimation? This idea may sound outlandish, but its acceptance can only be reckoned if it is first acknowledged that the ancient Egyptians descended from a highly advanced antediluvian civilization, one that has long been lost due to great diluvial cataclysm. Moreover by asking if so, did the Watchers provide mankind technology to accomplish this? The controversy is premised on multiple archaeological OOPARTS (Out of Place Artifacts), enigmas, and anomalies prompting this intriguing theory that instead of marking the culmination of mankind’s technological development, Egyptian achievements signaled the tail end of the decline of an even greater society.

Next, PART 7 – “Nephilim Accounts After The Flood”

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