Derek Johnson on X22 Report lays it all out according to the Military Plan & Continuity of Gov't. Listen starting from the 1:21 minute mark in this interview until the end. He also talks about the military/white hats building 'A new seat in Gov't.' Which is written in the military manuals/documents.
This all translates to building a new USA Capitol city OUTSIDE OF THE SEPARATE DC CORPORATION ENTITY. (We know Wash DC is a separate governing corporation entity and not under the Constitution just like the corrupt Vatican City). This new USA Capitol will be dedicated to The United States as a sovereign nation; i.e. a new Capitol building-Legislative branch, a new Supreme Court-Judical Branch and a new White House for the Executive branch. (And we have Trump himself in speeches talking about building new cities in the United States. He's a builder for Chr*st's sake!
We know things are currently happening with the Hunter/Joe Biden crime family & testimony in congressional hearings. As well as all the Deep State shenanigans both foreign & domestic and the corrupt players/criminals being exposed every single day. The corrupt system is being torn down player-by-player, corporation-by-corporation (think Social Media), agency-by-agency for all the world to see.
This military sting operation extends to other presidents/political/congressional members who were installed and not elected. (example; Feinstein, Fetterman, Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, Romney, Murkowski, Schiff, etc, etc). The Military went into action and set it up PRIOR to DJT win in 2016 and all the revised military orders & DJT exec orders following prove it! It's all compartmentalized and working in our favor to take back this country from the corrupt & bureaucratic old guard system. The swamp is being drained, for sure!
It's all here, folks!
Q says; 'August is a very hot month.' Derek Johnson and Badlands Media's Just Human & Burning Bright have alluded to big things happening in September as a result of Hot August month!
X22-Derek Johnson interview;
Badlands Media;
We have to pay to watch the x22?
Nope. Just watch it on Rumble. I've never seen the site that the OP linked above.
Dave also has his own website with all of his interviews and reports.
Thank you. Just came here to post this & was beaten to it. Take the up-kek.
Nope. Watch here fren.
I don’t Pay and I watch it from the X22 website
I gladly pay annually to avoid all the d*mn ad commercials!
You don’t want to talk about your health?
I think maybe you have misinterpreted the word annually as anally. Annually means yearly.