The Administrative state is tyranny. OUR Congress critters pass laws and allow non-elected bureaucracies to print thousands of pages of regulations, allegedly to "implement" the law, but the result is to interfere with the lives or ordinary citizens. Adjudicated by agency "judges" responsible to who knows whom, but certainly not the voters and taxpayers. AND they are often funded by FINES so that they have a great incentive to FINE normal hard working ppl and businesses. It is a SCAM, for too long!
I really love the agencies that are redundant between federal and state. For example, there's OSHA and in Michigan there's MIOSHA, also the EPA and the Michigan DEQ. As if one set of regulations weren't enough.
The Administrative state is tyranny. OUR Congress critters pass laws and allow non-elected bureaucracies to print thousands of pages of regulations, allegedly to "implement" the law, but the result is to interfere with the lives or ordinary citizens. Adjudicated by agency "judges" responsible to who knows whom, but certainly not the voters and taxpayers. AND they are often funded by FINES so that they have a great incentive to FINE normal hard working ppl and businesses. It is a SCAM, for too long!
Agree. Regulations are just laws by another name, and the executive branch is not supposed to make law, that's Congress' job.
Imagine a jury getting involved in matters involving the taxman. Glorious.
I really love the agencies that are redundant between federal and state. For example, there's OSHA and in Michigan there's MIOSHA, also the EPA and the Michigan DEQ. As if one set of regulations weren't enough.