I think distinction matters; for example, I would absolutely believe in the rope for the people who are pushing kids to transition.
I also believe in the rope for nurses and doctors who "accidentally" gave the clot shot as well, and any who knew it was dangerous but did it anyway for cash.
The people in between, who seriously did not know? Fine, no rope; but they should be scrutinized heavily during a prosecutorial phase to prove them innocent, and I think the reversal of the presumption of innocence until proven guilty is also fair when they were trying to force us into submission on the basis of "killing grandma"
I think distinction matters; for example, I would absolutely believe in the rope for the people who are pushing kids to transition.
I also believe in the rope for nurses and doctors who "accidentally" gave the clot shot as well, and any who knew it was dangerous but did it anyway for cash.
The people in between, who seriously did not know? Fine, no rope; but they should be scrutinized heavily during a prosecutorial phase to prove them innocent, and I think the reversal of the presumption of innocence until proven guilty is also fair when they were trying to force us into submission on the basis of "killing grandma"