Much testimony on all sorts of crimes have been given to Congress in the past, with no consequences. If this results in a Biden being legally charged, it will be a nice surprise. Devon's lucky he's still alive.
How is it with all the tourists and a troupe of guards, only one person noticed and took a video? Beggars belief. Picture is cut from video, so not corroborating. Video could have been staged at Moore Park clubhouse which is identical style, same windows, same size, same stone decorations and stone color, and then pasted into a video of Buckingham Palace.
I've been to Buckingham Palace and never took interest in the side of the building. These tourists noticed. And the soldiers are busy staying in formation riding horses. Video:
The mainstream media has a tendency to miss or miss-label all sorts of crap:
This is what made Pedo Joe fall off bike. Goes over to her as soon as he stands up. Can’t take his eyes off her. VIDEO:
Where are her parents??
Much testimony on all sorts of crimes have been given to Congress in the past, with no consequences. If this results in a Biden being legally charged, it will be a nice surprise. Devon's lucky he's still alive.
In the span of one year, three of Kevin Spacey's accusers all died.
The Throne Room At Buckingham Palace:
Naked boy trying to escape Buckingham Palace:
How is it with all the tourists and a troupe of guards, only one person noticed and took a video? Beggars belief. Picture is cut from video, so not corroborating. Video could have been staged at Moore Park clubhouse which is identical style, same windows, same size, same stone decorations and stone color, and then pasted into a video of Buckingham Palace.
I've been to Buckingham Palace and never took interest in the side of the building. These tourists noticed. And the soldiers are busy staying in formation riding horses. Video:
The mainstream media has a tendency to miss or miss-label all sorts of crap:
This is what made Pedo Joe fall off bike. Goes over to her as soon as he stands up. Can’t take his eyes off her. VIDEO: Where are her parents??
AND: Little girl:
It's been shown, many times, that that photo is a grown man, and it is from a clip from an E! TV series called The Royals.
It has been labeled FAKE by MANY "FACTCHECKERS", including Snopes and the mainstream media.
I haven't seen it refuted in any ACTUAL CLIP from the TV series called "The Royals".
Looks real to me in this context;