This is pretty huge. Losses due to heat is a big problem for the transport of power over great distances. It is also the reason we utilize AC power for transmission. Power due to heat loss is the product of current squared times resistance. P=I^2 x R. The elimination of power loss due to heating will increase efficiency dramatically, however it doesn't mean it will solve all of our energy needs. We still need energy generation. The reduction of heat in windings will increase the life expectancy of motors and windings to as long as the wire coating lasts and far less motor cooling will be necessary. Cell phones, electric cars, all small portable electronics will have much greater efficiency. This is big news indeed.
This is pretty huge. Losses due to heat is a big problem for the transport of power over great distances. It is also the reason we utilize AC power for transmission. Power due to heat loss is the product of current squared times resistance. P=I^2 x R. The elimination of power loss due to heating will increase efficiency dramatically, however it doesn't mean it will solve all of our energy needs. We still need energy generation. The reduction of heat in windings will increase the life expectancy of motors and windings to as long as the wire coating lasts and far less motor cooling will be necessary. Cell phones, electric cars, all small portable electronics will have much greater efficiency. This is big news indeed.