posted ago by Richmanstrick ago by Richmanstrick +65 / -1

In my opinion, we are being distracted by threats of Climate holocausts, Biden corruption, Jan 6 , Get Trump indictments, Swamp earmarks, Transgenderism, Border invasions, Crime and lawlessness, and large scale inflation, etc, etc.

We have lost at least a generation of young children to this evil while the European Union and United Nations infiltrates our Country, our legal systems, academics and cultural norms. They are installing an Americanized version of Maoism via Marxism and no one is talking about it. NO ONE.

Where are our Patriots? Our Heroes? Our representatives? Are there any who will stand by those who are already fighting ?

Evidence from the Mao regime shows he was in some way responsible for 80 million deaths!!!! This includes deaths he was directly responsible for and deaths resulting from DISASTROUS policies he refused to change. Sound familiar?

How? They are using the angriest of our fringe society from every generation, ie, the ones who feel they have been wronged. The gays, lesbos, trans, blacks who believe in reparations, those incarcerated, the younger generation who hate boomers, etc. ......... to bring revolution (WAR via political means) within our shores.

Read what happened in China with Mao, their next step is all out violence. You are fighting the criminally insane parasite elite instigating this mess.