155 Thread: The military is the only way. Review of documents signed by PDJT between 12/7/20 & 1/20/21. (threadreaderapp.com) 🗣️ DISCUSSION 💬 posted 1 year ago by BerlinWallCrosser 1 year ago by BerlinWallCrosser +156 / -1 Thread by @CatTheGreat_ on Thread Reader App @CatTheGreat_: Is the “military the only way” to safeguard our country from an illegitimate, unconstitutional regime? With woke policies, vaxx mandates and abysmal debacles in Afghanistan and Ukraine, many would arg...… 23 comments share 23 comments share save hide report block hide replies
The balloon plane seems to indicate that it was not as it seems. They were not ready to explain to the public why they are not responsible and in charge so they just owned it and claimed it wasn't that bad.