Did I completely miss this? 650 planeloads of gold taken out of the Vatican and brought to Fort Knox? Charlie Ward reported this? Help me out here
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
thanks for sharing. I first started waking up to these things in about 2012. I felt hopeless for years. but I kept going down the rabbit holes.
if someone had told me back then 'don't worry, there are good guys', I wouldn't have believed them either.
Luckily I waa also an atheist in a spiritual crisis, beginning to understand God. I was given exactly the tools I needed to have faith, which has made all the difference.
tell me why you don't think there are any good guys?
There are good people here and there. Good people do exist after all.
The problem is that in the circles of power those who have risen are evil. Because they are the ones who have back stabbed, cheated and lied their way to the top.
Good people have a major flaw. They have a tendency to be naive. Because their hearts are not evil, they fail to understand just how evil the bad guys are and how far they are willing to go. The good guys are often done in very dirtily.
The evil side has spent many decades constructing a metaphorical fortress around the seats of power. Only those they control are allowed in.
I've seen the voter fraud first hand. It was not new thing. The ballot harvesting operations are literally sanctioned. They are 100% "legal". As you saw, the courts will not even give you the time of day. Remember how in Georgia they straight up blew up the car the boyfriend of the governor daughter was traveling on. And told him his daughter was next if he did not certify the 2020 election?
Almost the entire military command structure is corrupted as well. They are literal servants of the Military industrial complex. They straight up avoid winning so they can prolong the money laundering operations. Even now they think they can get away with it fighting against Russia directly.
World war 3 has been raging on for a while now. The thing is; the nature of warfare has changed quite a lot. And while ultimately it will be kinetic, The bigger war is psychological.
But to answer your question. It is not that I think there are no good guys. It is that I know that everyone in the seats of power are evil bastards doing VERY evil things. And all of the good guys I've seen are far too naive to do what has to be done in order to save this nation...
Maybe when we win the culture war it will be evident that basically the whole government is a rogue organization that is pretending to be there representing the people. And then people will start to realize that we aren't "voting" our way out of any of this.
You are scared because you have seen the depth of the corruption. that's understandable.
the end is not for everyone, fren. you need to actively apply your faith. it is the shield with which you defend yourself. If you cannot find the strength to have faith, you will succumb before the end.
it is your ego that says you are right to be scared and everyone else is wrong to have faith. you must be humble before God. You think you are alive because your fear has kept you alive?
No, only the grace of God has allowed you to live this long.
Realize that, and allow that grace to continue carrying you.
You may not think your attitude matters, but it matters more than anything.
Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Thank you.
You are 100% correct about that. It is by God's grace that I am here chatting with you.
Only at the precipice will the people find the will to change... I've been there before and I REALLY want to avoid it...
I've seen way too many swallowed by the precipice instead of waking up. It hurts.
But reading what you are telling me, Maybe you are correct. I may be staring at the darkness too closely; making me unable to see anything but darkness.
I pray that this sinking feeling I constantly have in the pit of my stomach would go away. Make no mistake, we are in a very dire situation.
I assure you... I now know exactly how the disciples in that one boat were feeling... not realizing that Christ, who was in the boat among them, was able to just tell the winds and seas "quiet, be still" and that would be the end of that...
I guess my prayer today is: Lord have mercy on us. Remember we are only dust.
i can go into a lot of detail about the importance of faith, and even a bit into the mechanics of how it works.
staring at the darkness too closely is a good way to put it. that's not to say you should ignore things. I have looked very very closely at the darkness, but I don't take that to mean that is about to consume me. a decade ago i used to, but instinctually i decided to have faith that all the right people would be in all the right places to allow humanity to prevail.
Do the drops not prove to you that is happening?