Drakeford 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think Musk is clearly alluding to the fact that most people are simply slaves and they do not even care.

Drakeford 3 points ago +3 / -0

Frankly this is all a bit silly.

Our opposition are simply lunatics.

When will people realize that sometimes, The harsh way is the only way.

Our enemies will gladly die to see us die with them.

Drakeford 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep. But then, how are they feeling about being slowly driven into serfdom by the elites?

They are probably too stupid to realize what its happening.

Drakeford 1 point ago +1 / -0


There should be admission testing for university. Only the qualified needs to be in college. And the available slots should be based on the country economic growth.

Also universities need to cut the bullshit. You going to higher education to become a mechanical engineer? Then, there should be a set of classes specifically tailored to teach how to be a mechanical engineer. And so forth.

But at this point, there is so much wrong with our systems, that we are basically a failed nation...

Drakeford 2 points ago +2 / -0

I sympathize. Specially on the matter of full blown retardation like "gender studies degrees".

But two things can be true at the same time. Just because the twats asking for the loan have spaghettis for brains, it does not mean the student loans are not largely a predatory enterprise.

As for accessibility of higher education, the moment we stop the subsidizing it, the frankly retarded pricing will plummet down.

The problem is mainly the loan are designed to be impossible to pay off by the average person. Regardless if the idiocy of the degree. I know people who graduated of business administration, a valid degree in my humble opinion. Only to be stuck in debt for the last 15 years.(Still owes more than 70%. So she will be likely paying for life. Has already paid more than what she originally borrowed.)

So it is important to consider carefully what we advocate for and justify.

While I have a VERY dim view of all liberal ideologies. I believe we should make a point on carefully listening and consider what they say. Every now and then they actually make a valid point. Although their proposed solutions are usually bunk.

Drakeford 2 points ago +2 / -0

While this is absolutely true. The student loans are straight up predatory. Taking advantage of the ignorance of the people to put them into debt slavery.

There should be no student loans at all. Why would allow the fucking bankers to prey upon the our youth?

We cannot be so single minded that it blinds us from the nuances of reality.

Drakeford 1 point ago +1 / -0

The much duct tape would probably fix the thing for real.

Drakeford 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hear you. But let me ask you one question. When was the last time the USA armed forces actually did anything to protect the USA instead of the interest of the powerful elites?

Drakeford 3 points ago +3 / -0

Q is not for everyone.

In fact, I believe we are not even meant to go on about Q at all. We were shown the way to make others learn to think. To bring light. We gat a back stage tour. that is it.

Now we help bring light. Q served its purpose. The fight moves on.

We do waste a LOT of time on the how instead of focusing on the why and what.

Drakeford 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is being said here is very clear. Plain and simple.

No one is coming to save us. We need to save ourselves and the nation.

At the very least, we are supposed to be acting as such.

Drakeford 1 point ago +1 / -0

That I agree with 100%

mRNA technology has potential for great good. Specially in the cancel field since cancer is basically unwanted genetic mutation. But that is what logic dictates with out taking into account that the bad guys are the ones making it... So nothing good will come out of it.

Drakeford 5 points ago +5 / -0

Nah. Technology in and of itself is not evil. It is how you use it, that matters. MRNA is not evil. Is what they are doing with it what's bad.

But I question the wisdom of this guy making himself a Guinee pig twice over...

He is probably going to die in a shitty manner.

Drakeford 2 points ago +2 / -0

The drops prove that some one is exposing the USA government. That, in and of itself, does not mean they are friendly towards the people of the USA.

That is what it looks like. The government of the USA is convinced that the Q operation was done by Russian and Chinese intelligence agents. With the objective of destabilizing the USA. And while I know for sure that the government of the USA is probably public enemy number one. That does not mean the many enemies the USA have made with their BS are sympathetic towards the USA people. They will gladly use us though.

The enemy of my enemy, is not necessarily my friend.

I admit, I am bad at understanding God. Though I do know why he permits all of the suffering we are seeing. In order for us humans to grow. Adversity is necessary

You know what. As I was writing this, I think it hit me. God is in control.

We need to continue to do what we must. But we do not need to despair like I've been doing. Thank you for helping me out. I think, maybe you, or someone unknown just prayed for me or something. But I feel peace and I feel confident that everything will be alright. Even though I can not exactly piece out how it will happen.

Heh! God is Awesome.

Drakeford 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you.

You are 100% correct about that. It is by God's grace that I am here chatting with you.

Only at the precipice will the people find the will to change... I've been there before and I REALLY want to avoid it...

I've seen way too many swallowed by the precipice instead of waking up. It hurts.

But reading what you are telling me, Maybe you are correct. I may be staring at the darkness too closely; making me unable to see anything but darkness.

I pray that this sinking feeling I constantly have in the pit of my stomach would go away. Make no mistake, we are in a very dire situation.

I assure you... I now know exactly how the disciples in that one boat were feeling... not realizing that Christ, who was in the boat among them, was able to just tell the winds and seas "quiet, be still" and that would be the end of that...

I guess my prayer today is: Lord have mercy on us. Remember we are only dust.

Drakeford 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are good people here and there. Good people do exist after all.

The problem is that in the circles of power those who have risen are evil. Because they are the ones who have back stabbed, cheated and lied their way to the top.

Good people have a major flaw. They have a tendency to be naive. Because their hearts are not evil, they fail to understand just how evil the bad guys are and how far they are willing to go. The good guys are often done in very dirtily.

The evil side has spent many decades constructing a metaphorical fortress around the seats of power. Only those they control are allowed in.

I've seen the voter fraud first hand. It was not new thing. The ballot harvesting operations are literally sanctioned. They are 100% "legal". As you saw, the courts will not even give you the time of day. Remember how in Georgia they straight up blew up the car the boyfriend of the governor daughter was traveling on. And told him his daughter was next if he did not certify the 2020 election?

Almost the entire military command structure is corrupted as well. They are literal servants of the Military industrial complex. They straight up avoid winning so they can prolong the money laundering operations. Even now they think they can get away with it fighting against Russia directly.

World war 3 has been raging on for a while now. The thing is; the nature of warfare has changed quite a lot. And while ultimately it will be kinetic, The bigger war is psychological.

But to answer your question. It is not that I think there are no good guys. It is that I know that everyone in the seats of power are evil bastards doing VERY evil things. And all of the good guys I've seen are far too naive to do what has to be done in order to save this nation...

Maybe when we win the culture war it will be evident that basically the whole government is a rogue organization that is pretending to be there representing the people. And then people will start to realize that we aren't "voting" our way out of any of this.

Drakeford 2 points ago +2 / -0

I guess I am a weird Christian myself.

As for the reason I have a rather dark outlook, I was born and raised in Cuba. So hell... Then left as a political refugee when I finally figured out the sad truth about the Cuban "opposition".

A few years back, after much effort I started to work for the Government here in the States. And every day that goes by I grow more horrified at the apathy, incompetence and sheer corruption that is to be found all over the place.

So here is my perspective. If we are indeed watching a movie. It sure as hell has me fooled. There isn't even the smallest hint of any "white hats" ongoing operations in USA soil (as in by USA official of any kind). In fact I am almost 100% certain the so called "white hats" are intelligence officers for the Russian and Chinese governments and a few others.

And they have been very clever at exposing a LOT of the shit the USA government have had hidden under the rug. The fact that Operation paperclip was basically the Nazis moving to the USA and rebranding themselves is true. Among many other topics we are rather familiar with in the site. A lot of the Occult stuff is 100% real by the way. I am not sure about the metaphysical. But the people at the top do practice it.

The members of the military can at best be described as glorified slaves of the powers that be. They will follow orders and should they refuse, they will be dealt with, swiftly and severely. Can't let anyone think otherwise. Most of them aren't even aware of this fact.

What you are seeing right now is basically the dismantling of the USA empire thanks to the arrogance and greed filled mistakes and treasons committed by our "leaders" and their masters. We are literally 40 decades too late to prevent any of this. Granted, they are all shit and 100% deserve it. The trafficking, pedophilia, drug running is all 100% real.

The whole "big pharma" killing us and making us sick is 100% real. Yet a large part of the government actually drank the kool-aid and believes "the science". They are idiots.

We could go on, but I am sure you get the picture.

Here is the part I am most on about. We; as in you and I. The American people will only get fucked in all of this. Our country is going to to get absolutely screwed and we are going to suffer because of it. The "whites hats" do not give a flying fuck about us. And frankly why would they? They serve other interests. We are but another tool of destabilization for them to use. Then again... Our government deserves it. But this fact do not make the "white hats" the good guys. They ARE NOT our friends.

So yeah, I am salty and have a very Dark outlook.

At least, that is what it looks like to me. Granted, I am not some big shot or anything like that. At best I try to be a fly in the wall. So I could be a victim of "the movie".

But yeah...

Drakeford 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not necessarily.

Good people exist. I mean... look at us. And the few victories we have had are thanks to the frankly titanic effort these good people have made.

Drakeford 0 points ago +1 / -1

You want the truth?

The so called "white hats" are neither Americans nor are they our friends. Let alone possibly being the good guys.

The gold never belonged to the USA in the first place. Look up history how the USA have at several points stolen gold from other countries in the most blatant way and even its own people. The USA government have been bad guys for a VERY long time. Just a more cunning flavor of bad.

You want the truth?

There are no good guys. There are several factions trying to make their new world order. They all have a form of slavery planned for us. We are in a situation kind of like the fantasy old war.

Imagine that we have been the slaves of vampires who keep us enslaved to suck our blood and killing us. The werewolves showed up and started to fight the vampires. In our own misguided hopefulness we started to imagine that the werewolves are fighting the vampires to free us. In reality, they are fighting the vampires, so they can be the ones who eat us instead.

How can people not realize this? It is blatantly obvious. By the time this mess is over we are going to be a 2nd world nation... if we remain a nation at all....

Drakeford 3 points ago +3 / -0

Man how I wish I could just find one of you guys here out in the world.

Drakeford 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you call me Doomer.... It is actually called not been NAIVE. I only count a win, when I am holding the severed head of my enemy in my hand.

Also a doomer would tell you, it isn't worth to do anything... it isn't going to work.

Here is what I am tell you. FIGHT HARDER! Your enemies are fucking titans. Pretty words and virtue signaling accomplishes jack shit. Volunteer to go count votes. Run for office. Campaign as hard as it takes. Fucking WIN! Or at the very least, make a plan for resistance with a few trusted people.

Drakeford 0 points ago +2 / -2

...congress is not going to do anything.

Resolutions require a vote if people do not approve it they are nothing.

How is this considered winning? Matt may be a good guy for introducing it. But that in and of itself, mean nothing.

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