Such bullshit. My town's pet boarding is forcing the dogs (probably cats too) to have an annual flu vaccine in order to be boarded there. A FLU VACCINE. FOR DOGS. I have been alive 58 years and never once heard of a dog that got the flu. These people are grasping at every conceivable revenue stream they can dream up. Karma needs to hurry the fuck up.
Yes, we need some expedited Karma, for sure. Satans job description is to destroy God's creation, it's not limited to us. Includes our beautiful planet and the animal kingdom as well. Sadly.
Such bullshit. My town's pet boarding is forcing the dogs (probably cats too) to have an annual flu vaccine in order to be boarded there. A FLU VACCINE. FOR DOGS. I have been alive 58 years and never once heard of a dog that got the flu. These people are grasping at every conceivable revenue stream they can dream up. Karma needs to hurry the fuck up.
Yes, we need some expedited Karma, for sure. Satans job description is to destroy God's creation, it's not limited to us. Includes our beautiful planet and the animal kingdom as well. Sadly.