I wonder how my ultra-liberal, TDS-afflicted friend in Westchester NY is enjoying all this “leftist calm” that has descended after getting that bad orange man out of office. She was very much looking forward to the “getting back to calm and sanity” (her words) the Potatus residency would bring. Chuckle…
Another leftist-run city bringing out the true nature of the left in all its festering degeneracy. Animals in a zoo behave better than these people.
I wonder how my ultra-liberal, TDS-afflicted friend in Westchester NY is enjoying all this “leftist calm” that has descended after getting that bad orange man out of office. She was very much looking forward to the “getting back to calm and sanity” (her words) the Potatus residency would bring. Chuckle…
Another leftist-run city bringing out the true nature of the left in all its festering degeneracy. Animals in a zoo behave better than these people.