I wonder if some of this maneuvering isn’t setting the stage for ensuing military trials of the DS beast minions. Think of it… the goal is to get the trial venue moved into the military tribunal realm, no outside (FNM) cameras allowed in. There are various ways this can happen. One is to have a “dangerous situation” where the military must be present to protect all involved. Because of the enormity of what’s transpiring with President Trump, this would qualify.
They can boot the FNM out under the umbrella of “national security” and the leaks and such. The issue described in the post may be used to move the venue out of the public square. So now you have military-controlled trials (tribunals) being conducted where only the military will release information to the public. Purely hypothetically, if someone were to have already been arrested and tried in this manner, the resultant information on the evidence presented, testimony given, etc could be released in a way which would clearly show the public that justice was upheld and that the beasts were as bad as the conspiracy theorists always claimed they are.
I had originally thought that the Potatus would be decreeing that we won’t have (the 2024) elections (still a distinct possibility, imo), that he and his ilk will be seizing and maintaining control of the country and the military will step in that way. They aren’t ever going to put the Potatus on trial publicly (for obvious reasons), but renegade, dubya, side of beef, slick Willy, shifty shiff, fancy Nancy, gruesome Newsome and so many others could easily fall under the military tribunal umbrella both for the safety of everyone involved as well as for informational “national security” issues once the dredging out of the crimes (as a result of the disclosure-discovery) begins in earnest.
This particular maneuver of addressing NS issues and the need for careful handling of that information would help move this into the military trials (tribunals) realm - the goal.
I wonder if some of this maneuvering isn’t setting the stage for ensuing military trials of the DS beast minions. Think of it… the goal is to get the trial venue moved into the military tribunal realm, no outside (FNM) cameras allowed in. There are various ways this can happen. One is to have a “dangerous situation” where the military must be present to protect all involved. Because of the enormity of what’s transpiring with President Trump, this would qualify.
They can boot the FNM out under the umbrella of “national security” and the leaks and such. The issue described in the post may be used to move the venue out of the public square. So now you have military-controlled trials (tribunals) being conducted where only the military will release information to the public. Purely hypothetically, if someone were to have already been arrested and tried in this manner, the resultant information on the evidence presented, testimony given, etc could be released in a way which would clearly show the public that justice was upheld and that the beasts were as bad as the conspiracy theorists always claimed they are.
I had originally thought that the Potatus would be decreeing that we won’t have (the 2024) elections (still a distinct possibility, imo), that he and his ilk will be seizing and maintaining control of the country and the military will step in that way. They aren’t ever going to put the Potatus on trial publicly (for obvious reasons), but renegade, dubya, side of beef, slick Willy, shifty shiff, fancy Nancy, gruesome Newsome and so many others could easily fall under the military tribunal umbrella both for the safety of everyone involved as well as for informational “national security” issues once the dredging out of the crimes (as a result of the disclosure-discovery) begins in earnest.
This particular maneuver of addressing NS issues and the need for careful handling of that information would help move this into the military trials (tribunals) realm - the goal.