Cured my father of melanoma many years ago now he's 85. A few years later my mom's friend was dying of a skin rash that was starting to travel up her body and the doctors didn't know what to do they tried a few experimental meds that made it worse and then said go home and die, my mom put her on the Gerson Therapy and three weeks later she was fine. Those are my experiences there are more, but you need to independently investigate the truth. The two axioms to the Gerson Therapy are deficiency and toxicity the therapy aggressively puts concentrated nutrition into your system and aggressively removes toxic bile from your liver through coffee enemas niacin is also used to dilate capillaries to facilitate absorption of nutrients and removal of toxins from the cells.
And yet there’s barely any studies on this stuff. It’s absolutely mind blowing how much profits dictate what gets studied and what doesn’t. My sister claims it’s because of Capitalism, but I actually think government is the problem. What would medicine look like without the FDA approval process? Might things get approval based on actual merit alone?
Bugs me to think about it as my Mom just got put on hospice with a cancer diagnosis.
It's a pretty Common Sense approach to health take care of the body and the body will heal itself medicine focuses on how to profit from disease. The GT focuses on health. The 2 part documentary -fat sick and nearly dead- was basically the same thing without the coffee enemas. But you don't have to be dying of something or try to lose 250 lb. You can be healthy and try it and watch yourself go to another level.
It does make sense when you recognize our bodies were designed to heal ourselves. Chemical intervention to “fix” our bodies is only something that’s happened in the last 100 years.
Bugs me more don’t see this but what can you do. All in due time.
Where and how have you seen it used? Have read about it plenty but have not met anyone that has tried it.
Cured my father of melanoma many years ago now he's 85. A few years later my mom's friend was dying of a skin rash that was starting to travel up her body and the doctors didn't know what to do they tried a few experimental meds that made it worse and then said go home and die, my mom put her on the Gerson Therapy and three weeks later she was fine. Those are my experiences there are more, but you need to independently investigate the truth. The two axioms to the Gerson Therapy are deficiency and toxicity the therapy aggressively puts concentrated nutrition into your system and aggressively removes toxic bile from your liver through coffee enemas niacin is also used to dilate capillaries to facilitate absorption of nutrients and removal of toxins from the cells.
And yet there’s barely any studies on this stuff. It’s absolutely mind blowing how much profits dictate what gets studied and what doesn’t. My sister claims it’s because of Capitalism, but I actually think government is the problem. What would medicine look like without the FDA approval process? Might things get approval based on actual merit alone?
Bugs me to think about it as my Mom just got put on hospice with a cancer diagnosis.
It's a pretty Common Sense approach to health take care of the body and the body will heal itself medicine focuses on how to profit from disease. The GT focuses on health. The 2 part documentary -fat sick and nearly dead- was basically the same thing without the coffee enemas. But you don't have to be dying of something or try to lose 250 lb. You can be healthy and try it and watch yourself go to another level.
It does make sense when you recognize our bodies were designed to heal ourselves. Chemical intervention to “fix” our bodies is only something that’s happened in the last 100 years.
Bugs me more don’t see this but what can you do. All in due time.