Like minded freedom people should be separated from those who are control minded freedom haters.
When the internet first started we would allow freedom and now the internet is the most tyrannical thing man has created. This is because freedom loving people think they can change those who control and are evil minded.
Freedom is liberal. Totalitarianism is what these who are controlling the internet are. This is why many think the internet is not good any longer. Others believe it to be the best now.
All will and should agree we are to intertwined and dependent on the internet now. That is a huge problem for all—except the 1 percent. They don’t care about day 2 day stuff.
Just as we have trade agreements with other nations we should have a trade agreement on the internet… this is tough for some to comprehend and it can lead to wrong direction too.
For example on eBay if I sell something these days i am asked by people in countries all the around the world now if I can ship to them… when we should not even be on that page if their country is totalitarian.
If those countries will not allow their people to be free than we as a free country should not give up our freedom to their demands.. we should cut them off of the internet altogether.
Like minded freedom people should be separated from those who are control minded freedom haters.
When the internet first started we would allow freedom and now the internet is the most tyrannical thing man has created. This is because freedom loving people think they can change those who control and are evil minded.
Freedom is liberal. Totalitarianism is what these who are controlling the internet are. This is why many think the internet is not good any longer. Others believe it to be the best now.
All will and should agree we are to intertwined and dependent on the internet now. That is a huge problem for all—except the 1 percent. They don’t care about day 2 day stuff.
Just as we have trade agreements with other nations we should have a trade agreement on the internet… this is tough for some to comprehend and it can lead to wrong direction too.
For example on eBay if I sell something these days i am asked by people in countries all the around the world now if I can ship to them… when we should not even be on that page if their country is totalitarian.
If those countries will not allow their people to be free than we as a free country should not give up our freedom to their demands.. we should cut them off of the internet altogether.