In some of our lifetimes, we lived through stuff like 9/11 and realized George bush and his faggots did it. We came to understand the media has been lying to us since before we were born. We watched a faggot Muslim subvert the constitution and obviously try to take the country down. We watched an election get stolen through the lie of a pandemic, then realized every election of import was stolen. We watched our friends and family line up to take the cure (experimental gene therapy) and I watched my grandmother die from it. What’s next? Following that unhappy shit, I expect communication blackouts, destruction that would make 9/11 look a nice game of croquet, and the financial institutions under Satan to prove who’s boss. But what if I’m wrong? What if the worst is over and we’ve endured (atleast until Revelation can happen properly several generations from now)? From what I’m following, the dragnet could be lowered any day and the weakened enemy may put up very little fight that is effective. Maybe purposely so they can retreat and emerge again later. They get tried in Guantanamo, hung properly, and it’s the early 80’s again. Much rejoicing. Prepare yourselves as I think this is possible. They’re hobbled. Swift resolution would be as much of a shock to us as if the thing we’re preparing for happened. It’s more likely than I originally thought when I actually level with myself about it. I’d bet, expect it. If I’m right I’ll raise a glass and say a prayer called “Start fresh, you deserve it”.
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The rapture of the church is imminent because we're told it will happen. At some point, the true church - those who believe in Jesus Christ - will be caught up to Jesus. We do not know when, but we know it will happen one day, we aren't even going to be perfect for it because on our own we will always fail because we are just human - we cannot save ourselves. That's the point of Jesus, he makes us perfect and took our sin so we can be with Him because he loves us that much and God sent His only son because He loves us THAT much. There was no other way.
Don't think the church has to be spotless before Jesus comes back. Don't think of church as a building either. The church is people, you and me, those who accept and believe and follow Jesus Christ. It doesn't mean we're gonna get everything right or have to before we are "good enough" to go to heaven, it doesn't mean we can just go and keep sinning because we'll be forgiven. We should be always trying to do what Jesus taught and be better and repent and keep working towards being better and sharing the gospel to others and pointing them to Jesus. I am thankful we don't have to be spotless because man, I don't know about you, but we'd never make it otherwise! But we will be made new and made glorious when raptured as we were told.
DigAroundAndFindOut, so glad that you posted this very clear and concise Bible account. However there are a couple of things that we disagree on but that is okay, it just proves we aren't as smart as God. hahaha. I would just question whether the "catching away" is imminent or not. It does seem as we look at the happenings on earth right now that it certainly won't be thousands of years in the future, but seeing as how a thousand years is but a day with God, we just might have longer than we think.
And about being spotless......well that is a requirement to be the BRIDE and apparently the Bride is a called out group within the church, who have made themselves ready for their Groom. I would reference the 10 virgins........5 were not ready.......not enough OIL, representing the Holy Spirit, in their vessels, BUT the other 5 HAD MADE THEMSELVES READY and had enough OIL to go into the wedding chamber. All were virgins unto the Lord......born again and washed in the Blood, but had gone a step further in preparation.......they were FULL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.
When we read Mark 16 verses 15 thru 20, we are told that the BELIEVERS will do these things. THE BELIEVERS WILL HAVE MIRACLE SIGNS FOLLOWING AND GOD WILL WORK WITH THEM CONFIRMING THE WORD WITH SIGNS FOLLOWING. They will cast out devils. They will speak with new tongues. They will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. They shall take up serpents and not be hurt. (which means that as Paul had happen , a serpent attached itself to his hand, but he shook it off into the fire and this deadly snake was not able to harm him. I don't advise taking up a serpent unless one takes you up snake handling like we see in some churches.) Who does these things.........the BELIEVERS. God working with them to confirm His word with signs following them. A Believer has to spend time with the Lord and have a relationship with Him in order for these signs to follow them. The others who have trusted in Jesus as savior and Lord will go to heaven.......they just won't have these signs following them because they haven't learned what to do in order to walk in the fullness of Christ. We must believe ALL the WORD in order to walk in God's fullness and I reference being BAPTIZED IN THE HOLY SPIRIT BY JESUS HIMSELF. He wants to baptize all of those who believe in Him, in the Holy Spirit. I am so thankful that we can respectfully talk about the Lord on this forum........some really, really smart people here to learn from.