That's what I started pondering after reading THIS article.
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I started this thread before watching THIS video originally posted by DCGRITS in his thread HERE.
It all makes perfect sense now. JFK created the special forces before he was killed. He knew there had to be a section that wasn't controlled by the Deep State. I now believe there is a section of our military that is still part of the Republic. The rest of the military is owned by the corporation.
President Donald Trump introduced and signed a 2nd Declaration of Independance on July 4, 2020 that does not have all caps in the United States of America therefore declaring our Independance from the entities that usurped control of U.S. in 1871. The corporation of the United States is bankrupt and has been wrestled back from our overlords The City of London , The British Crown and The Vatican and their OPERATIVES in the media , government and society...its just a matter of time before all the people know the truth of what has transpired over our history and the TRUTH of what this means for OUR REPUBLIC