❌ Thuli Madonsela posted on facebook: ❌
"Black people use racism as an excuse for their failures in a lot of things. Racism makes us feel like victims and remember that victims never rise. The reason we don't succeed after every war is because of our inability to move forward....
- We don't forgive,
- we keep focusing on the enemy instead of picking up the pieces and building afresh.
I think the reason the Afrikaaner nation was able to build themselves into a formidable nation was to forget the past and found ways to empower themselves. The Afrikaaners were
- oppressed,
- confined to concentration camps by the English.
The Indians where brought here because the black man was too lazy to work in the sugar cane fields. They lived in desperate, poor conditions.....no lights, no running water, no proper housing.
Yet both nations rose and sent their kids to school.
- they were murdered in thousands,
- their women were raped and
- their babies starved to death in camps.
- But they rose, because they moved beyond the hatred of their enemies.
Instead of toyi-toying, they:
- built their own schools,
- taught and trained their kids to:
- work hard and farm the land.
- they taught their kids real values of respect (ubuntu).
The problem with us Black People, is that we see ourselves as victims. We feel sorry for ourselves and, therefore, feel that we deserve...
- Free things.
- Free houses,
- Free money. We don't teach our kids the value of hard work. Our greatest enemy as a black nation today is blaming everybody and hating ourselves.
We hate ourselves so much that:
- we destroy the things that belong to us.
- we destroy our schools,
- we destroy libraries
- we destroy hospitals that were all given to us by white money!
Check this out: 1. Of all the Black women raped yesterday, most of them were raped by Black men.
2 . Of all the Black people that were robbed yesterday, most of them were done by Black men.
3. Of all the Black owned houses that were broken into yesterday, most done by Black men.
4. Of all young Black men that were shot and killed or stabbed to death yesterday, most were killed by our Black men.
5. Of all the Black owned cars that were hijacked yesterday, most were carried out by Black men.
6. Of all the ATM cards that were swapped, mostly by Black men.
7. Of all the Black owned cars that were involved in smash and grabs yesterday, most involved Black men.
This is self hate and it is destroying us, Black people.
Let's face our real demons (US) as a Black nation and rise to the occasion.
We have destroyed the culture of learning within our communities and replaced it with entertainment.
We have over 20 years of freedom, WHAT HAVE WE DONE FOR OURSELVES?
Read without emotions. What do we take from here?
While I understand this message was written by a South African referring to South Africa, this exact same speech could easily be delivered in the US, the Caribbean, Brazil, or Europe and it would still be equally true.
It is culture that drives behavior and behavior that determines success. There's a reason why you can look back through history at German migrants anywhere in the world and find they were radically successful: Australia, Russia, Latin America, the US. Why? Because they brought with them a culture of extreme discipline and dedication to work. It didn't matter the pursuit either: farming, manufacturing, engineering, but even the arts. Look at how prolific German classical composers were, even as Europe preferred the aesthetics of Italian or French languages, you still know a half dozen operas by Mozart, Wagner, or Holst the instant you hear them.
Black people simply never developed that culture. As slaves, you could simply forgive that. No one's going to work any harder than required to avoid the whip as a slave, but even in Africa where they held power, they never developed an authentic drive for any of that since so many of their tribes were either hunter-gatherers or subsistence farmers. Flash in the pan empires never seemed to build a cultural drive parallel to what Europe achieved, even despite the stability of Ethiopia or the extreme wealth of Mali.
And because of that, still today, black people who seek desperately to define a unique identity for themselves in which they can take pride and rally behind, they see those characteristics as "acting white." The academics call it "whiteness" and teach them to hate it and to define themselves by the rejection of it. Activists excoriate successful black people with all manner of racial epithets for "acting white." Clarence Thomas gets called an Uncle Tom. Ben Carson gets called an Oreo (black on the outside, white on the inside). We could come up with an extensive list, but the point is that black people don't value success when other black people achieve it. Instead of copying those behaviors, they resent them!
The result is Zimbabwe, South Africa, Rwanda, Baltimore, the south side of Chicago, South-Central LA, and countless other predominately black disaster areas. And it'll continue until the black people decide amongst themselves to change their own culture and adopt the behaviors that lead to success.