Replacement foods are chemical shitstorms, anyone old enough to remember the fat free craze? Chemicals and sugar. If you want to be meat free, fine, then don't eat it. A lot of vegan foods are very unhealthy, animal protein is essential, even it its just eggs or cheese fish. My son had a vegan girlfriend, she wouldn't even eat honey, it was bee enslavement or something. What a pain in the ass when she would stay for a few days, the grocery bill shot up, I was trying to be a good host Glad that one didn't last, the babies would have been so unhealthy.
Replacement foods are chemical shitstorms, anyone old enough to remember the fat free craze? Chemicals and sugar. If you want to be meat free, fine, then don't eat it. A lot of vegan foods are very unhealthy, animal protein is essential, even it its just eggs or cheese fish. My son had a vegan girlfriend, she wouldn't even eat honey, it was bee enslavement or something. What a pain in the ass when she would stay for a few days, the grocery bill shot up, I was trying to be a good host Glad that one didn't last, the babies would have been so unhealthy.