He is absolutely correct. We give money and do business with countries that say “Death to America.” We give money to countries who mock us behind our backs, who charge us exorbitant taxes on our products, while we charge them a fraction, we give money to NATO while the countries we defend are in arrears. America first, others last. We have enough homeless, mentally ill and in need vets, seniors and disabled. That is where our money must go. Veterans first, disabled and mentally challenged next, seniors and homeless third, aid to our friends fourth.
He addressed that in his Playboy interview years ago. He has always been a conservative, but was registered as a democrat primarily because the working class (read: construction, services, tradesmen, etc) all loved him.
Lawrence Harvey Zeiger (Larry King) trying not to fart. His guests frequently complained about his constant flatulence. I wish he were still alive to watch the MSM implode.
That looks fake.
He is absolutely correct. We give money and do business with countries that say “Death to America.” We give money to countries who mock us behind our backs, who charge us exorbitant taxes on our products, while we charge them a fraction, we give money to NATO while the countries we defend are in arrears. America first, others last. We have enough homeless, mentally ill and in need vets, seniors and disabled. That is where our money must go. Veterans first, disabled and mentally challenged next, seniors and homeless third, aid to our friends fourth.
I think he was a Democrat as a young man and a Republican in later years but his positions didn’t change
He addressed that in his Playboy interview years ago. He has always been a conservative, but was registered as a democrat primarily because the working class (read: construction, services, tradesmen, etc) all loved him.
That guy is going places.
They hill his good friends Dad...Retribution!
His positions have never changed nor become more nuanced.
he is MAGA a real patriot! for all of "US"!
Lawrence Harvey Zeiger (Larry King) trying not to fart. His guests frequently complained about his constant flatulence. I wish he were still alive to watch the MSM implode.