First : Praise God for evermore !
Second : the article seems skantly written , I’m grateful for any press but. .this should have been blown up as the huge victory it is ,, two minor girls ? We’re saved from being raped andfuture raped and posdibly tortured killed ? ,, the word traffic doesn’t seem to define what it actually is , words like kidnapped and raped should be used , I could go on but won’t , just seems like this guy should have been herald as a hero and more should have been said !! But again. Thank Hod they were saved and grateful there is any press !
First : Praise God for evermore ! Second : the article seems skantly written , I’m grateful for any press but. .this should have been blown up as the huge victory it is ,, two minor girls ? We’re saved from being raped andfuture raped and posdibly tortured killed ? ,, the word traffic doesn’t seem to define what it actually is , words like kidnapped and raped should be used , I could go on but won’t , just seems like this guy should have been herald as a hero and more should have been said !! But again. Thank Hod they were saved and grateful there is any press !