Certainly you have at least 4 Blessings = Christ+ your soul+mind+body.
Too you are clothed & housed & have hopefully-healthy food to eat, & a phone = 4π more.
Aside these do you have family & friends to love π who also love you?
Feel free to Add more of your blessings here as doing so Cheers you up & may well do the same for others. In case you need a few ideas https://communities.win/c/Christianity/p/12hRjA3s9B/colossians-267-the-thankful-life/c 100's included there 2 years ago.
I pray you each are richly blessed today & every day so together π we can All Praise God
Honestly, I used a ' cell-phone ' for 3 years only, because it was required for my last position in Health-care because of the dangerous situations we were Assigned to function in = I asked Jesus daily to protect me because the office didn't care if any Staff in the field died. Increasing their Profit was their only interest. As soon as I had New roof paid for, I stopped. And haven't used a cell-phone since. However (except for christianity-Clubs), I do find the internet helpful...
Germany, east-part when it existed.
No matter what evil befell me, I have lived to Praise God. And thus, mostly I live with Jesus peaceful & content & hopeful... that I am Blessed to live until Jesus Returns to Rule over HIS kingdom here on earth for it will be truly π Heaven --- until then MAGA will do π
Amen my friend. I agree with Jesus return and until then MAGA will do. Praise God you made it from Germany or I wouldn't have gotten the chance to know you. God bless and have a wonderful weekend.
God bless + have a wonderful weekend, too π