posted ago by HelloDolly ago by HelloDolly +38 / -1

Maybe it doesn't matter much, but I think Trump's whole in your face outrageous mannerism is part of the psyops and was developed intentionally for it. If you watch old interviews with him, he is pretty soft spoken. Like the Rona Barrett interview or other interviews from before 2000. I have thought about that often.

Then I was remembering that I read somewhere decades ago that advertisers don't really care if a commercial is annoying, so long as the consumer remembers what the product is and what it does. Like the old alka seltzer commercial or for those in Chicago, the old "588-2300 EMPIRE!" carpet company jingle. It hasn't been on for probably 40 years and I still remember the phone number. I think Trump's "FAKE NEWS!" and "CROOKED HILLARY!", etc., are like obnoxious advertising. Even people that hate Trump personally for his mannerism can't help but remember the moniker. Then later, when the attributes he assigns are proven true, it's like rock solid in their head. Kind of like fertilizing soil or something.

Anyhoo, this thought just reinforces in my mind that this plan was very long in the making, at least as far as 2012 as relates to Trump specifically, and almost certainly further with other White Hats. I should add that I do believe Trump has always had the same core beliefs. The substance of what he believes now is discussed in those mild mannered interviews. But he is definitely having fun with his WWE persona, and maybe decided that he likes his new self. EDIT: I will add "Russia Russia Russia Hoax!" and "Rigged Election!". There's a million other examples though.