While I appreciate your passion and respect your belief, I have a somewhat different worldview. As far as one religion and only one God, I've been told the same thing but my middle eastern patriots (we have one at the 'night job').
We both want freedom, right? I think it's great that you have sincere religious beliefs. I view religion differently than you, but that doesn't offend me, hope it doesn't offend you.
And that's not a criticism, as the most amazing things are built with tools. I find its usually progressive liberals who expect me to think and believe we they do. Patriots, pedes, and pepes seem to respect one another's differences, while working towards similar goals. That's why I am here.
Religion doesn't mean much to me or affect me one way or the other (I'm not anti theism, more apatheist) besides where I see it being used as a tool.
Q communications use Bible references so the majority of the base understands. If I were running the predictive algorithms and sharing info, it is the same thing I would do. I'm fact, it Is what I do. Look at my name...
I hope you find happiness and fulfillment in the things you believe. Sincerely!
Peace and prosperity to you and yours, fellow patriot.
Ignoring the sheer fact that the enemy rallies behind specifically Lucifer should have been the answer you’re looking for. And I’ve heard the religious arguments from Muslims. It’s unfortunate but their own book proves Christianity is the correct religion. I don’t take offense to any of your statements, I’m trying to help you so at the end of the road of this life you’ve chosen wisely.
I find zero fault in your efforts. Noble and commendable, and if I'm ever I in your shoes I hope I do same for others.
I figure those of us who seek truth - real truth - if we're truly seeking it, we'll all meet at the same place eventually. I don't know where that will be. Maybe in the heaven or paradise in which you believe. Maybe as dust in the ground, or consciousness spread across the cosmos. If it's truth, we'll find it. I hope to see you wherever the truth leads.
While I appreciate your passion and respect your belief, I have a somewhat different worldview. As far as one religion and only one God, I've been told the same thing but my middle eastern patriots (we have one at the 'night job').
We both want freedom, right? I think it's great that you have sincere religious beliefs. I view religion differently than you, but that doesn't offend me, hope it doesn't offend you.
And that's not a criticism, as the most amazing things are built with tools. I find its usually progressive liberals who expect me to think and believe we they do. Patriots, pedes, and pepes seem to respect one another's differences, while working towards similar goals. That's why I am here.
Religion doesn't mean much to me or affect me one way or the other (I'm not anti theism, more apatheist) besides where I see it being used as a tool.
Q communications use Bible references so the majority of the base understands. If I were running the predictive algorithms and sharing info, it is the same thing I would do. I'm fact, it Is what I do. Look at my name...
I hope you find happiness and fulfillment in the things you believe. Sincerely!
Peace and prosperity to you and yours, fellow patriot.
Ignoring the sheer fact that the enemy rallies behind specifically Lucifer should have been the answer you’re looking for. And I’ve heard the religious arguments from Muslims. It’s unfortunate but their own book proves Christianity is the correct religion. I don’t take offense to any of your statements, I’m trying to help you so at the end of the road of this life you’ve chosen wisely.
I find zero fault in your efforts. Noble and commendable, and if I'm ever I in your shoes I hope I do same for others.
I figure those of us who seek truth - real truth - if we're truly seeking it, we'll all meet at the same place eventually. I don't know where that will be. Maybe in the heaven or paradise in which you believe. Maybe as dust in the ground, or consciousness spread across the cosmos. If it's truth, we'll find it. I hope to see you wherever the truth leads.