I don't know who needs to read this but I consider myself pretty tech savvy.. anyways they used my bank's phone number to call me after texting me that a fraudulent charge was made. The man that called acted like a representative for the bank and for sure had a very well written script. Things sounded fishy over the phone then they asked for my account info which I didn't provide. If you ever get a call about a bank charge, hang up and call the bank back using the number on your card or on their website (if it isnt hijacked). This kind of thing rarely happens to me so I thought it would be worth a share.
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I get as many as 50 calls a day from scammers. At first I played around with them. Now I dont even answer the phone. Here's how I can tell its a scammer: 1- When you answer the robo-dial and say hello, they kick in and say hello as if I initiated the call (they expect me to say hello again). I say Oh youre from an Indian call center. Naturally they say no so I ask then why does this happen, I can hear all those people around you speaking in a foreign language...
2- Then the guy says 'this is Derek from blah-blah. How are you today'. With his heavy India accent I right out say 'I didnt know Indians used American fake names'. As for the how-are-you-today I say 'now since you asked, I had diarrhea all last night. In the bathroom shit just exploded, all over the toilet and back wall, farting like the 1812 Overture.....etc. Could it have been from the curry food I had yesterday?' This is especially effective if they said they were from Medicare Health Benefits company.
3-The guy that calls says he's from the electric company telling me I am due a $50 refund. He tells me to get my last electric bill so I say hold on, I gotta look for it. Then I just leave the phone on until he hangs up.
There are lots of computer geeks who screw the scammers like this one : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r895v2T9JyU
Remember, bona fide companies will email or mail a letter, not a phone call.