Two sodomites. God has spoken about sodomites in the Bible. They can remove the word sodomite from all the new age bible translations but that does not mean that God still does not consider sodomy an abomination.
The word sodomite appears 5 times in the King James version and zero times in the NIV version. This is NOT for readability - it is to pervert the Word of God. If you are reading any other version of the bible you have a perverted work of satan. Do not let the world deceive you with its lies.
Why would the translators take out "through his blood" from Colossians 1:14?
14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. New International Version
14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: King James Version
Part of the great awakening is awakening to the deceptions that the evil ones have perpetrated against God and His people.
We are living in the very end times. If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you should do so today without delay. You can contact me via Direct Message if you would like me to show you how to do this with a very simple prayer. God bless.
I too believe the Bible we have today has been intentionally corrupted. But why do so many have such trust of the KJV then? How was that immune to corruption? Why KJV over Geneva?
Two sodomites. God has spoken about sodomites in the Bible. They can remove the word sodomite from all the new age bible translations but that does not mean that God still does not consider sodomy an abomination.
The word sodomite appears 5 times in the King James version and zero times in the NIV version. This is NOT for readability - it is to pervert the Word of God. If you are reading any other version of the bible you have a perverted work of satan. Do not let the world deceive you with its lies.
Why would the translators take out "through his blood" from Colossians 1:14?
Part of the great awakening is awakening to the deceptions that the evil ones have perpetrated against God and His people.
More examples of the perversions in new age translations
My original document on New Age Translations
We are living in the very end times. If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you should do so today without delay. You can contact me via Direct Message if you would like me to show you how to do this with a very simple prayer. God bless.
I too believe the Bible we have today has been intentionally corrupted. But why do so many have such trust of the KJV then? How was that immune to corruption? Why KJV over Geneva?
There are more study tools for digging for the truth in relation to KJV than any other translation.