Secret CDC Report confirms Hundreds of Thousands of Children ‘Died Suddenly’ in the USA following roll-out of COVID-19 Vaccines
Fauci Lied; 120k+ Children Died
Good Article
I recommend you research the life Insurance Agents in the US , Germany and UK. Then research autopsy reports from the same three countries. Then research reports from Hospitals and Dialysis equipment being gummed up. Then research reports the the same 3 countries on the death rates of children where they never have had to order and finding shortages of coffins for children.
But then ask where is the COVID 19 ? # US Universities each conducted studies on 1500 COVID Positive deaths. All three found Influenza A, Influenza B or Influenza A and B. No COVID 19. Later the VA released their study on 1500 COVID positive tests and their results were the same as the three Universities.
But then we had people who died in a motorcycle accident and cause of death was listed as COVID. Same with a Gunshot to the head victim whose death was listed as COVID. There was a lot of fraud on death certificates because their was major money to be made if it was COVID related.
You provide links to none of this? Not a single one? It's absurd to ask me to research life insurance agents (which agents?), autopsy reports (ALL OF THEM?), reports of dialysis equipment being gummed up (wtf is this), death rates of children and coffin shortages (are you having a stroke? What are you talking about?).
Show me the studies that examined 1500 covid deaths and found no covid.
Show me the death certs that shows death was by covid when someone died from a motorcycle accident or gunshot wound.
Show me SOMETHING that backs up your claims, or you're just some internet rando making up bullshit.
Regardless of that, though, this article is still complete nonsense. None of the figures presented are correct, and they are being used to prove things they simply do not prove.
where were your links ?
What links do you want? My whole point was that your link was misrepresenting pretty much every statistic it presents. I don't need to give you a link to show that they're considering overall numbers of deaths rather than relative numbers of deaths for vaccinated versus unvaccinated people. You responded by telling me to go research a whole bunch of shit that has nothing to do with it. And you still haven't given me a single link proving what you claimed above.
Check out UKDaily mail