I was told I have Vitiligo, which causes my skin to lose pigmentation.. wondering if anyone knows anything about how to get rid of it. I don't trust pharma. thanks frenz
I was told I have Vitiligo, which causes my skin to lose pigmentation.. wondering if anyone knows anything about how to get rid of it. I don't trust pharma. thanks frenz
If you do find something effective, please come back and post it.
With all the med posts on here, my first instinct would be to try a parasite cleanse, using a few different methods in sequence.
If that doesn't work, I would switch to a low or gluten-free diet for a time and use a lot of activated charcoal as a general detox. That's based on the researcher at this website (https://ggenereux.blog/discussion/). He is a Canadian who had severe eczema, obviously not vitiligo but still a skin-affecting autoimmune condition, and reversed it by eliminating vitamin A from his diet. The basis for his pinpointing Vit A is a profound rethinking of virtually all autoimmune diseases. In his case he successfully reversed his eczema, a condition that is not cured by prevailing Western medicine. If his theory is true and applicable to vitiligo, the earlier you start the better.
I'd stay away from the creams. The light-frequency treatments though, seem to have demonstrated promise for many. I have a close relative with vitiligo, who treated himself with light frequency for about a year and had no positive results. He just lives with it even though it's spread considerably. He hasn't tried the methods above or I would tell you the results (got fed up with the established treatments and just decided to live with it instead of fight it.)
Good luck, and if you find something that works, please report back.