We know that Q will sometimes obfuscate, and will use misdirection if needed.
So when Q says “YOU and YOUR FAMILIES are SAFE”, how “safe” are we exactly? We understand that we’re safe in the larger sense, that globalist defeat is inevitable – NCSWIC; game theory; limited chess moves, etc.
But, are my family and I safe? If we happened to live in Lahaina, certainly not. My family and I would be homeless, if not dead.
There has been lots of back & forth here on GAW about what exactly happened on Maui, but I think most of us agree there’s some deepstate/Blackrock/WEF fuckery behind it. Which means either a) the white hats chose not to stop it from happening, b) the white hats were unable to stop it from happening, or c) the white hats didn’t anticipate it would happen.
Whichever one of these 3 options is true, the implication is the same: we’re not exactly “safe”. That is, we’re not necessarily insulated from the fallout of this war. And more events like the East Palestine OH chemical spill and the Lahaina fires are possible (and even probable) over the next year or two.
In regards to preparing for the next year and “the precipice”, our thoughts and predictions seem to range from basic blackout scenarios (generators, having a few weeks food & supplies stocked up) to zombie apocalypse/Mad Max survivalist nightmares.
To all my GAW frens: what (generally) do you think will happen; how dangerous do you think it will get?
• If there are internet outages and power outages, I have a hard time imagining there won’t be looting & home invasions.
• If there are sleeper agents and armies (like, say, all the military-aged males coming over the border) trying to capture or damage infrastructure and “secure” cities & towns, there would inevitably be bloodshed.
• When people really start understanding how they’ve been lied to about EVERYTHING, there’s going to be real fury, and more than a few mental breakdowns and psychotic breaks. How do medical professionals, journalists, law enforcement and government employees not become targets of violence? How does this not become a bloodbath, and how do we not get caught in the crossfire?
A major premise of Q is to avoid the violence and chaos of a civil war, and to keep some modicum of stability as the Great Awakening unfolds, so I have to assume things are in place to minimize danger. But I don’t think that means I can take my family’s safety (or survival) as a given.
In the big cities, Yes. In the rural countrysides, any who attempt robberies are gonna get shot. The further from a city you live, the safer you'll be when all hell breaks loose. I think the Purge will not last very long if the military steps in, and it will absolutely step in when things get heated...
I guarantee the Cabal's last ditch effort is gonna be to sic their last remaining MK-Ultra, Antifa, and MS-13 assets on the most vulnerable american territories to cause mass destruction and chaos; They are most likely gonna need military intervention to be dealt with. Antifa will probably "go out with a bang" and commit ISIL-style terrorism, sealing their own fate in the process.
I forsee the "prime targets" are gonna be the Big Corporate Execs, Corrupt Politicians, TV News Anchors, and Nonprofits. The doctors and journos will most likely pass the buck to the higher ups in the corporate ladder to avoid the public's wrath
All I can say is, Get out of the cities and while you still can. Buy a gun and stock pile ammunition. Keep an eye out for any suspicious corporate installations in your small town, the Cabal wants to eradicate the small towns any way they can...
"Nah... let's skip this one. The driveway is too long..."
Love it 😆
I didn't even realize it kinda rhymes towards the end!