Sorry to bust your balls Judge Tanya Chutkan - BUTT , America is a "Constitutional Republic" and NOT a D E M O C R C Y . "CONSTITUTION" "CONSTITUTION" "CONSTITUTION" Judge Tanya. Read "IT" !!! Freedom to assemble and voice grivance against OUR Government when ever we feel like it ! FREEDOM to say what ever the FUCK we want , about our Government - even if it hurts your feelings. Freedom to join / form / be part of a MILITIA that says that scumm such as yourself should be removed from office. Freedom to voice our opinion that we feel ( know ) that the 2020 election was stolen and our CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC has been high-jacked. ( by you and cronies. )
Sorry to bust your balls Judge Tanya Chutkan - BUTT , America is a "Constitutional Republic" and NOT a D E M O C R C Y . "CONSTITUTION" "CONSTITUTION" "CONSTITUTION" Judge Tanya. Read "IT" !!! Freedom to assemble and voice grivance against OUR Government when ever we feel like it ! FREEDOM to say what ever the FUCK we want , about our Government - even if it hurts your feelings. Freedom to join / form / be part of a MILITIA that says that scumm such as yourself should be removed from office. Freedom to voice our opinion that we feel ( know ) that the 2020 election was stolen and our CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC has been high-jacked. ( by you and cronies. )