WhoFundsWho is a browser extension that instantly shows you who funds the experts, politicians, think tanks and other organizations that you are reading about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCt3eC-5ay8 [note: to accommodate a growing user base WhoFundsWh...
One of the comments:
Just think about what this commenter is saying. Instead of recognizing that searching for funding and relationship information has become a lot easier, or at least, makes a first recon easier, notice the focus on the WEF.
There is a document, released in May 2023, called: Anti-Institutional Extremism. In it the IC community maintains that believing an evil Cabal exists bent on killing us equates to Anti-institutional Extremism.
Just let that sink in. They openly admit that a Cabal bent on killing us has infiltrated our institutions!
SO, back to the comment. Note here how more datapoints and comprehension how network corruption works are equated to infuse the Anti-institutional extremism.
On a different note: Koen Swinkels seems to be a libertarian- anarcho-Capitalist. It seems his views are the anti-thesis and anathema to Klaus Schwab and his WEF-acolytes: the Schwahabies
That quote caught my attention as well.
I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the upside-down logic being employed here. So he apparently tried the extension, saw many famous people/politicians linked to WEF, Gates Foundation etc. He could easily independently verify whether it's true, but he won't. Unbelievable.
Yeah, a total mind-fuck isn't it. For those with a lack of knowledge and correctness/consciousness, it is easy to fall for such blabla.
This is the nature of the world they want us to live in. Typical Cult-environment. However, the perversion of right being wrong, and wrong being lawful and good is not a new phenomenon.
Allow me to share a quote based on Frederick Bastiat's: the Law, from the Voluntaryist Handbook by Keith Knight page 251/252. (https://ia802504.us.archive.org/10/items/the-voluntaryist-handbook-a-collection-of-essays-excerpts-and-quotes/The%20Voluntaryist%20Handbook.pdf)
We noticed that in The Netherlands 7 out of 10 does not trust the government anymore. And with reason.
The moment the government starts to care about public morality in terms of influencing it, it no longer is a government by the people and with the people, but a government for the people only. We call that despotism. That is the moment the law becomes immoral. Such an environment is key to the emergence of the narcissist.
Of course, it is larded with the best of intentions. Human Rights, they scream, while thinking: I am going to steal your shit.
Bang on. Fascinating quote.. thanks for sharing it!