posted ago by MilitaryJustice ago by MilitaryJustice +19 / -1

Not so bold predictions:

  1. Trump will not be running against Joe Biden in November 2024
  2. Putin will continue to win the war in the Ukraine despite deep state money pouring in from everywhere.
  3. Feinstein (and maybe Fetterman) will be replaced by Governor appointed Senator(s). Maybe Big Mike??
  4. There will be a cataclysmic event just before November 5, 2024 that will attempt to "cancel" the presidential election.

Bold predictions:

  1. Big Mike will replace Sleepy Joe (exact mechanics are TBD - Big Mike may replace Kamala then the 25A will be used to remove Joe (dementia/health issues) allowing Big Mike to become an unelected POTUS.
  2. There will be a felony "conviction" of Donald Trump. What happens next is unclear (possibilities include: Trump flees the country to Israel, RNC won't allow him to be the Republican nominee, he runs in a third party (MAGA Party), the military intervenes to defend the Constitution against the treasonous traitors, civil war, ...)
  3. Many world leaders will get exposed for their treason against their countries and for their crimes against humanity. Whether international tribunals will be established to bring them to justice remains to be seen - I won't be holding my breath on that one.