Example. Two different groups of the same species separated over time and adapt to different parts of the planet. Assume they encounter each other again and breed with each others DNA. You will se changes due to that long term and separation of development due to environmental and social differences. Is not rocket science
What a blind faith statement you just made! Borders on a religious proclamation.
I dont have enough faith the be a Methodological Evolutionists.
In fact, you're a little outdated in your thinking. Stephen J Gould "adapted" the ToE to Punctuated Equilibrium to try and make Darwinism fit the fossil record - hint...it's even more of a farse than Darwinian gradualism. Look it up if your confused.
I’m not confused. I know life is crated. But I also know some humans didn’t originate on earth. I know Darwin was an agent of Zion and his work was to muddy the waters and make a new religion called atheism. This atheism would get rid of all the religions minus one.. after this is accomplished even the atheist would be killed off so that only one religion remains. You can probably guess what that one is.
Example. Two different groups of the same species separated over time and adapt to different parts of the planet. Assume they encounter each other again and breed with each others DNA. You will se changes due to that long term and separation of development due to environmental and social differences. Is not rocket science
They still give birth to the same species. No new DNA has been entered.
Adaptation WITHIN a species is not evidence for Speciation.
Adaptation ACROSS species has never been observed, nor does the fossil record bare it out. Darwin knew this, so should you.
Over billions of generations you will see the change that is termed evolution.
What a blind faith statement you just made! Borders on a religious proclamation.
I dont have enough faith the be a Methodological Evolutionists.
In fact, you're a little outdated in your thinking. Stephen J Gould "adapted" the ToE to Punctuated Equilibrium to try and make Darwinism fit the fossil record - hint...it's even more of a farse than Darwinian gradualism. Look it up if your confused.
I’m not confused. I know life is crated. But I also know some humans didn’t originate on earth. I know Darwin was an agent of Zion and his work was to muddy the waters and make a new religion called atheism. This atheism would get rid of all the religions minus one.. after this is accomplished even the atheist would be killed off so that only one religion remains. You can probably guess what that one is.