You need to think that Trump is very strategic in his thinking. RFK would be the perfect VP and here is why.
His specialty these last 30 years has been going after big corporations and failing local governments. Pence, whatever you think of him, if your remember correctly, was essentially overseeing domestic issues while Trump worked on foreign.
I think that Trump wants a true VP not just a VP used to keep someone in line. The VP is going to have a big role to play in Trumps next term. My money is on RFK running as Trumps VP either as a Democrat or an Independent (that’s another theory altogether but another time.) RFK gets in and Trump lets him make bedlam in all these government agencies. Whatever better person than a Kennedy with 35+ years legal and constitutional experience and a vendetta. Trump picks winners. And if you noticed RFK’s record, he seems to never be tired of it. And a second reason I just noticed it’s a good possibility
Trump doesn’t attack RFK. He even went so far as to say his hearts in the right place. RFK claims he was responsible for cleaning up many rivers and waterways in NY and especially NYC.
If that was a lie, Trump would have easily called that out. He loves NYC more than anything so I believe he would have said something if RFK was lying and he in fact cleaned it up
Not even. Climate cult, bad 2nd ammendment stances, plus more.