Weren't the protocols created from earlier Illuminati texts which were based initially on some of the communist like ideals of the Jesuits?
I think this goes into the links between the Jesuits, Zionist, Malta, Masons, Illuminati, Zevites, Hivites, etc. Anything related to the mystery schools. They are all linked but each may practice differently or have a different public face. Each one a head on the hydra that when chopped off does nothing since there are a 100 more heads and new ones being created all the time.
I tell people that the whole world is controlled by just one group of people and they say
"Who? The Illuminati? Freemasons? Jesuits, Catholics, Jews, Luciferians, British Crown, Trilateral Commission, Frankist Sabbateans, The Council on Foreign Relations, Hollywood, Club of Rome, The Communist Party, MS 13, The Italian Mafia...?
Weren't the protocols created from earlier Illuminati texts which were based initially on some of the communist like ideals of the Jesuits?
I think this goes into the links between the Jesuits, Zionist, Malta, Masons, Illuminati, Zevites, Hivites, etc. Anything related to the mystery schools. They are all linked but each may practice differently or have a different public face. Each one a head on the hydra that when chopped off does nothing since there are a 100 more heads and new ones being created all the time.
I tell people that the whole world is controlled by just one group of people and they say
"Who? The Illuminati? Freemasons? Jesuits, Catholics, Jews, Luciferians, British Crown, Trilateral Commission, Frankist Sabbateans, The Council on Foreign Relations, Hollywood, Club of Rome, The Communist Party, MS 13, The Italian Mafia...?
And I say "Yep. That's the group."
They call it their democracy.....
I haven't heard about this, could you fill me in about it please?