UPDATE: Shanna and Erik went to check on their house. It is still standing. Their cat Josephine won't let you catch her so she is still there. Their cow Wilma is still there also as there is no place to take her. They were advised to open the gate so she can get out. One man down the road has too many cows and can't get them out. There are embers everywhere but trees not on fire at this point on their road. They loaded up their cars with more stuff (Landan packed all the snacks they had in the house🤣). The fire when they were there is 3/4 mile from their house and heading that way. I am asking God to surround their 5 acres and their whole road with a hedge of protection. It is in His hands (and those hands are huge). I will keep you updated as I hear. Shanna said to thank you so very much for your prayers. And I thank you beyond words for your prayers also! I love you❤️❤️
UPDATE: Shanna and Erik went to check on their house. It is still standing. Their cat Josephine won't let you catch her so she is still there. Their cow Wilma is still there also as there is no place to take her. They were advised to open the gate so she can get out. One man down the road has too many cows and can't get them out. There are embers everywhere but trees not on fire at this point on their road. They loaded up their cars with more stuff (Landan packed all the snacks they had in the house🤣). The fire when they were there is 3/4 mile from their house and heading that way. I am asking God to surround their 5 acres and their whole road with a hedge of protection. It is in His hands (and those hands are huge). I will keep you updated as I hear. Shanna said to thank you so very much for your prayers. And I thank you beyond words for your prayers also! I love you❤️❤️
Thank you for the update. Lifting prayers to God with confidence in His protection and care.