These sensors, designed to spot electrical hazards at homes, also detect grid-wide issues in real time.
For example, on August 7th at 10:47 p.m., an explosion occurred near Maui Bird Conservation Center in Upcountry Maui. Soon after, flames appeared along the tree line.
Ting's data analysis showed that ten nearby sensors recorded a sudden voltage drop at that exact time—an unmistakable sign of a grid fault.
Such faults involve abnormal electric currents due to equipment failures, like transformer explosions, fallen power lines, or line contact.
These faults, seen in the bird sanctuary explosion video, can cause sparks or arcs, potentially releasing molten metal fragments.
Within the same period, 78 sensors across the island identified 122 grid faults, mainly due to strong winds.
In West Maui, data indicated significant grid stress. Lahaina saw 34 faults between late evening and early morning, increasing in frequency and intensity.
Meanwhile, Ting data aligned with a Lahaina power outage. During the outage, a local resident recorded a downed power line near his home, sparked by strong winds igniting dry grass.
Concerning the fatal fire that destroyed Lahaina town, indications suggest power grid issues played a role.
CEO Bob Marshall, who installed Ting sensors across Maui, explained that any of the noted faults could have triggered fires, underscoring the likelihood of power grid problems as a major contributing factor.
These sensors, designed to spot electrical hazards at homes, also detect grid-wide issues in real time.
For example, on August 7th at 10:47 p.m., an explosion occurred near Maui Bird Conservation Center in Upcountry Maui. Soon after, flames appeared along the tree line.
Ting's data analysis showed that ten nearby sensors recorded a sudden voltage drop at that exact time—an unmistakable sign of a grid fault.
Such faults involve abnormal electric currents due to equipment failures, like transformer explosions, fallen power lines, or line contact.
These faults, seen in the bird sanctuary explosion video, can cause sparks or arcs, potentially releasing molten metal fragments.
Within the same period, 78 sensors across the island identified 122 grid faults, mainly due to strong winds.
In West Maui, data indicated significant grid stress. Lahaina saw 34 faults between late evening and early morning, increasing in frequency and intensity.
Meanwhile, Ting data aligned with a Lahaina power outage. During the outage, a local resident recorded a downed power line near his home, sparked by strong winds igniting dry grass.
Concerning the fatal fire that destroyed Lahaina town, indications suggest power grid issues played a role.
CEO Bob Marshall, who installed Ting sensors across Maui, explained that any of the noted faults could have triggered fires, underscoring the likelihood of power grid problems as a major contributing factor.
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