WHAT? Book about Maui fires published BEFORE they even finished burning – NaturalNews.com
A book chronicling the “events of August 8-11, 2023,” in Maui, Hawaii, was published on Amazon this week – see the screenshot below – on August 10, before the “events” had even concluded. Notice that Dr. Miles Stones’ book “Fire and Fury: The Story of the ...
It’s amazing how fast one can write just feeding a bunch of articles to ChatGPT.
Makes one wonder. This Miles Stones wrote a lot of obscure biographies.
If he had researched then why is the Glowbull warming not exposed as the scam it always was ? Look how many scientists exposed it recently.
Who is he, the human or the AI?
They didn’t expose anything because the book was to make a quick buck capitalizing on being the first.
Referring to Dr Stone who or whatever it may be. Either way human or AI it's DS BS.