Fookin' Absolute Grifter, it must be said aloud and repeatedly!
Doesn't help or impress that ROMPERSWAMPEE has been interviewed by literally EVERY person in the 'extended MAGA grifter' YOUTUBE community in like the last 5 GDMN days! Jordan Peterson, Bill Maher... bollocks, so many and so fast, reeks of desperation, just a quieter kind than DeSanctis.
I'm sure the JOE ROGAN POD will drop TOMORROW, I mean, crimony. Get some frickin sleep ya Hindu baastid. You stopped being coherent after the 15th interview we've seen you on in the last 4 days. Tell SOROS AND MURDOCH AND YOUR 🤡 BUDDIES TO CHILL
Fookin' Absolute Grifter, it must be said aloud and repeatedly!
Doesn't help or impress that ROMPERSWAMPEE has been interviewed by literally EVERY person in the 'extended MAGA grifter' YOUTUBE community in like the last 5 GDMN days! Jordan Peterson, Bill Maher... bollocks, so many and so fast, reeks of desperation, just a quieter kind than DeSanctis.
I'm sure the JOE ROGAN POD will drop TOMORROW, I mean, crimony. Get some frickin sleep ya Hindu baastid. You stopped being coherent after the 15th interview we've seen you on in the last 4 days. Tell SOROS AND MURDOCH AND YOUR 🤡 BUDDIES TO CHILL
Downvoter can fuck right on off.