Dinner discussion: Who makes what we feed our dogs. Purina. Who is Purina owned by? Nestle. Who is the CEO of Nestle? This guy: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/mark-schneider
Companies Nestle owns https://static.tumblr.com/967a0c04482644d12b3a3e2f49c23da5/op78yd4/RjQnr5ccn/tumblr_static_2a75n5b3q9s0g4ogks0sok4wc.jpg
A Trustee of the board of an org that wants you to eat zee bugs and nothing. Think about what you are eating and feeding your pets.
Amen. The issue at hand is finding the lesser evil. If people saw the "Corporation Graphic" that listed all holdings etc etc it would be difficult to not patronize them. Nonetheless, agreed.
Americans are used to cheap, easy food. The WW2 generation that ended up living to ripe old ages were the last of the very healthy stock in our Country. Boomers loved the convenience of microwaved foods that were simple and fed a whole family. Between that and prepacked TV Dinners turned dinner time into entertainment time and took away the table and chairs, along with that the quality time families used to partake in together.
Today's lifestyle doesn't find many that would be able to do what Great Great Grandmother did. To me, my Nephews great great grandparents were people I knew and loved. Now they lived a hard life, did everything the only way they could and thrived. Today's youth doesn't have the patience for even a 5 minute mini clip, it's gotta be 30 seconds tiktock.
Did you know even eating local corn can be hazardous to your health? Monsanto incentivises Farmers to grow their garbage, same shit foreign countries won't even accept. Hell, in Russia you'd be pretty much dead if you were caught growing that garbage. But yet it's in our local farmers markets.
In a perfect world everyone would avoid all the non food food out there, but cheap and fast seems to be sticking around. Op is definitely right though, these Corporations don't give a shit about anything except money.
Carry On!!!