Regarding the next covid bullshit... my response is:
- R E S I S T -
- prove the test is valid, given all the proof that it is not;
- prove masks work, given all the proof that they do not;
- prove that social distancing worked, given all the proof that it did not.
- prove that people died from covid, given the evidence that they did not (it was remdesivir, or co-morbidities, or motorcycle accidents, etc.)
- and finally, tell me what percent of your "covid patients" have been vaxxed. And prove it.
Provide these proofs, and then let's still do the old fashioned thing... you know... stay the fuck home if you're feeling sick.
True, the bullshit is like water to a duck for many. But do you think there will be support among the idiots, the majority of the population?
Do you think the idiots will try to attack/subdue/harass etc. the non-compliant this time as well?
I highly doubt they will be conjure up the same level of mass formation psychosis around covid this time around as they did in 2020. They may get some, but it will be concentrated in blue states and cities. I live in Texas, and I don't expect to see much of any compliance with any potential future lockdowns or mask/vax mandates here.