"Most of us must simply endure these times and watch and hang on to something as there's no stopping this train from where it's headed.
Focus less on worrying about the world's burdens and instead on prayer, doing exactly what you need to do/are called to do the best you can do it, and giving your worries to God.
Do not let yourself be overcome by carrying burdens you are not meant to.
Allow God to use this season to continue to shape you into the person you're meant to be rather than succumbing to hopelessness and despair.
In some ways, these birth pains across the planet are symbols of a world needing change.
Let that change happen in you by letting your faith rise above the trials in your life. The world may be quaking, but you can stand firm through the storm."
"Most of us must simply endure these times and watch and hang on to something as there's no stopping this train from where it's headed. Focus less on worrying about the world's burdens and instead on prayer, doing exactly what you need to do/are called to do the best you can do it, and giving your worries to God. Do not let yourself be overcome by carrying burdens you are not meant to. Allow God to use this season to continue to shape you into the person you're meant to be rather than succumbing to hopelessness and despair. In some ways, these birth pains across the planet are symbols of a world needing change. Let that change happen in you by letting your faith rise above the trials in your life. The world may be quaking, but you can stand firm through the storm." (PepeLivesMatter)