Just wanted to say that I feel the same exact way about the Trump-Jesus comparison and its nice to see I'm not the only one. Obviously Jesus is Lord but there are alot of similarities between what Jesus went through vs what Trump is going through.... an awful lot of them. The phrase "its going to be biblical" comes to mind.
Thanks for having the mental capacity greater than a 2 year old chimpanzee & being able to make analogies / comparisons between Jesus & anyone else, and not autistically screeching "BLASPHEMY, REEEEEE!" like so many do.....
Just wanted to say that I feel the same exact way about the Trump-Jesus comparison and its nice to see I'm not the only one. Obviously Jesus is Lord but there are alot of similarities between what Jesus went through vs what Trump is going through.... an awful lot of them. The phrase "its going to be biblical" comes to mind.
Thanks for having the mental capacity greater than a 2 year old chimpanzee & being able to make analogies / comparisons between Jesus & anyone else, and not autistically screeching "BLASPHEMY, REEEEEE!" like so many do.....