Trump/Tucker On Twitter - The Could Be It!
- N C S W I C -
Not sure if anyone proposed this here yet, but this Could happen during the interview tonight on Twitter:
Look to Twitter: Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, THE STORM IS UPON US......." God bless.
The most waited for drop -
My cup runneth over!
Trump on October 5 2017 asks the reporters if they notice the Calm. Reporters ask “what Storm? “You’ll find out” he replies.
22222 days from You’ll Find Out to November 5th of this year.
Q first posted October 28, 2017
1776 days later, coincidentally, and in no way am I implying causation, the Queen of England expectedly passed away from natural causes due to her age. Q drops 100 and 620 are in regards to her.
Trump was arraigned on Q day 1984 Coincidentally, John Hurt stared in movie 1984 as the protagonist Winston Smith. Hurt played villain in V for Vendetta.
Trump announced he was going going to be arraigned a second time on day 2049 (a reference to Blade Runner 2049)
Trump was processed and released on Q day 2054 (Minority Report is set in year 2054, Spielberg made a point to talk about it)
Aliens is set in 2179.
If years equals days 2179 =Monday, October 16, 2023
Aliens has the following quotes:
They cut the power!
Seventeen days? Hey man, I don't wanna rain on your parade, but we're not gonna last seventeen hours! Those things are gonna come in here just like they did before.
What the hell are we supposed to use, man? Harsh language?
Game over, man. Game over.
So if something bad happens on October 16th we have to wait 17 days for rescue.
Which takes us to November 2. The following day is November 3, a Friday.
Trump can only post The Tweet of Annunciation of the Storm on a Friday. This is coincidentally the release date for Dune Part 2. Film is set in a world that had a Butlerian Jihad and is in the process of a Game Theory War to liberate the Galaxy from a degenerate pedophile cult that has been in power for Millennia due to their harvesting of a potent drug and warmongering.
The following day is the 4th, coincidentally the 71st anniversary of the NSA.
The following day is coincidentally Guy Fawkes Day. It also happens to be day 2199 of Q operation(the approximate year Morpheus frees Neo in the Matrix) This is also Angel number 2222 days since Trump said ‘you’ll find out’ Also, 22 22 = V V = V for Vendetta
Also notice that Q day 2199 is this November 5th. The Matrix, if not set in 2199 was damn closer to that date than 1999. Both the Matrix and V for Vendetta were written by the same writers. There are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidence. Recall that V for Vendetta started on the 5th of November with the bombing of Old Bailey and Evey finished the job the following year.
If the military takes out the deep state this November 5th, puts us under marshal law, and we have elections next year (coincidentally the 5th) , it would be deja vu with the Matrix and V.
Holy crap! How did you compile all that info and connect all those dots?
Someone else figured out the Queen died on day 1776 and I went from there. You can check my post history about Interstellar, Q post 14 that was on month 9 day 11 of Trump presidency and also 500th anniversary of Protestant Reformation. I also think the CIA and NSA were created on specific days to create 19,000 and 25,9xx day deltas. The 15th of this November is 8100 days since 911. 8100 has 45 divisors, just as 111,111,111^2 has 45 divisors.
Autism on a scale I cannot comprehend xD