This is personal, I’m sorry mods. But I don’t know where else to turn.
I’m dealing with a lot of health issues at the moment. I’ve developed an eating disorder that I can’t seem to overcome on my own. It’s getting very bad. In specific, it’s ARFID, and a fear of any food I eat causing anaphylaxis.
This was likely brought on because I’ve entered perimenopause and my hormones have gone insane. And my stress has been high since last November because of family health issues (nonvaxxed). Constantly an anxious wreck.
So now I’m at a point where I need intervention. But that’s going to be medicine and I know it. I do not trust hormone pills - when I was on birth control it made me very suicidal. And I don’t trust anxiety medicine either, because…duh lol. Also don’t trust supplements and can’t afford the more trustworthy ones. I need vitamin C.
Frankly I don’t trust doctors, either. Especially with this bullshit second round of Covid.
Im also broke. Can’t afford any kind of treatment except if I were to be sent to the ER and be billed, then I just wouldn’t be able to pay it. I lost Medicaid last month because our Covid mandates ended.
What would you do?
I pray to God constantly about this but it just keeps getting worse.
You did an excellent job.Well done fren. OP, this advice is far better than what a doctor would recommend, sad to say,but it’s definitely a tried and true template. You are cared for, being prayed for. I desperately wish I could reach out to you.One thing I can tell you, you will get through this and you’ll look back in wonder and amazement at how far you’ve come. Monopause is a bitch. No other way to put it. Women are tough. You will get through it. I did and you will too. God is with out to Him.He promised never to dessert us. May He heal, restore and bless you fren. I truly care