posted ago by Richmanstrick ago by Richmanstrick +43 / -1

I'll make this brief: I have a good friend, he moved away and I hadn't heard from him in years. His wife and my wife reconnected yesterday. This is what my wife was told in casual conversation.

The reason the Federal government will not stop robo calls is because THEY are the major sellers of our information; in fact, some agents are so corrupt that they collect on some of the scams, especially with Medicare calls. Other agents help scammers set up Medicare fraud; for a fee of course. My wife was told that the majority of our government is in full blast mode to SHAKE DOWN gullible Americans.

My wife said she pushed back since she did not believe it. Her friend told her that it will never stop and only get worse because the public will not believe it.

Question: How do we research this claim? or investigate government corruption?