Theory: Trump arrest expands the overton window to allow libs to accept future arrests.
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
I have a theory that the trump arrest is a facade that has expanded the overton window of the public to allow for the arrest of a politician to compute in their minds. For a few days they'll HAHA trump was the first pres elected. Then, when the real arrests start it won't seem so strange, and they'll be more able to accept and wakeup.
Just a theory, but after seeing his motorcade there is no way that man is not projected to win for a third time. No fucking way. He may even still be president
That's all... discuss!
I believe you and bubble burst are wrong on the riot aspects. People do not give two shits for obama especially after President Trump was arrested. His days are over.
Not at all. Obamas still have a lot of popularity.
They can't even keep their podcast afloat (which nobody clips either unlike the hundreds of Joe Rogan clips all over YouTube) and their books just sit on the shelf. I haven't heard a normie in the office or out socializing even mention the name Obama in years.
All the liberals I know still hate Trump and love Obama. Not sure they even think Biden is bad. I literally had one guy tell me Democrats are trying to destroy America but we need to focus on uncovering the lies of Trump. I think liberals are brain dead. That weird soulless NPC conspiracy theory was dumb until I lived through the last three years….now it seems completely reasonable