Very dank, very evil, burn your homes and steal your children. What place supposedly under usa protection is next? There is no protection. We can all be New Pallestine or Maui. Do not trust anything the government says. We are being conned and set up. Not have to be a fool not to see this is true. White Hats know how to attack their squishy under-belly. Pray for the power of righteousness. This is God's battle. Support it in word and thought.
Very dank, very evil, burn your homes and steal your children. What place supposedly under usa protection is next? There is no protection. We can all be New Pallestine or Maui. Do not trust anything the government says. We are being conned and set up. Not have to be a fool not to see this is true. White Hats know how to attack their squishy under-belly. Pray for the power of righteousness. This is God's battle. Support it in word and thought.