I know many of you have seen the video and picture , but many have not...
Show me any other President in US history to have the military with them while they do their inauguration speech...
Special note, who was standing by Trump specifically?..
Why is this important?.
DJT, Military Intel, & JAG

I get that 7 months before Q first posted that Rogers and Nunes would say as much, even now. One of the greatest strengths of the Q movement is the plausible deniability provided to President Trump.
However there are articles from Nov 17 and 18 2016 regarding moving his transition team meetings to Bedminster.
That first article is about a single days meetings. And probably means Trump wanted to golf that weekend.
The second article confirms what I suspected.
There's tons of evidence of that Trump did not move his transition team out of Trump Tower. Dec 3 https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/trump-presidential-transition-1.3863762
Dec 15 https://techcrunch.com/2016/12/15/oracle-ceo-safra-catz-joins-trump-transition-team/
This was all documented.
A. There was no wiretap. B. Rodgers confirmed this himself. C. The Trump Transitionteam met at Trump Tower all through November, December and January.
And do you think Trump wouldn't say anything for two YEARS?
I agree that it may have been just for the weekend however even though disinfo is necessary I still have to put some weight behind Q's posts.