I know many of you have seen the video and picture , but many have not...
Show me any other President in US history to have the military with them while they do their inauguration speech...
Special note, who was standing by Trump specifically?..
Why is this important?.
DJT, Military Intel, & JAG

I'd love a sauce for Nixon started the idea.
Nixon was pretty comfortable with the swamp.
He gave the dairy industry $100 million dollars is subsidies after milk lobbyists contributed $2 million dollars to him. The hid the donation by breaking it up among hundreds of PACs. One of the PACs was called Americans United for Honesty in Government
The head of the American Milk Producers and his top Lobbyist were convicted of bribery https://www.nytimes.com/1974/08/01/archives/exhead-of-milk-coop-pleads-guilty-of-plot-to-bribe-connally.html
These two guys were convicted of bribing John Connally, but Connally got acquitted. Connally called Billy Graham and Jackie Kennedy as character witnesses.
Associated Milk Producers, Inc itself plead guilty to six crimes.
The Nixon Tapes capture that President Nixon was well aware of this scheme and that it could cost $100 million dollars. On the tape John Ehrlichman, the president's counsel, said,
In the smoking gun tape, John Dean tells Nixon the Watergate coverup is going to be expensive. He said, I picked a number I thought would scare him.
President Nixon: We could get that.